Related Links
Carolina Entrepreneurial Initiative -The Carolina Entrepreneurial Initiative (CEI) launched in the spring of 2004 with an array of programs designed to spread entrepreneurship across campus.
Carolina Seminar on Comparative Islamic Studies -Part of the FedEx Global Education Center of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a member of the Triangle Center for Middle East Studies.
Carolina/Triangle Early American History Seminar – The Triangle Early American History Seminar (TEAHS) is a group of historians who meet regularly to discuss pre-circulated papers. To see a schedule of papers
Carolina/Triangle Legal History Seminar -The Triangle Legal History Seminar (TLHS) brings together faculty and graduate students with an interest in legal history, broadly conceived.
Carolina Seminar on Russia and Its Empires –
Duke University – Home page for Duke University.
Duke Center for European Studies –
Duke/UNC Jewish Studies Seminar –
Jung Society of the Triangle –
National Humanities Center – An independent institute for advanced study in the humanities
North Carolina German Studies Seminar – The North Carolina German Studies Seminar (NCGS) provides scholars and advanced students in North Carolina a chance to share their ongoing research with another and interested high school teachers
North Carolina State University – Home page for North Carolina State University.
Research Triangle Seminar on the History of the Military, War and Society – This standing seminar started in January 2006. The primary purpose is to provide a forum for historians working on issues relating to war, peace and society and in the field of a most broadly defined history of the military.
Triangle Intellectual History Seminar – home page for the IHS Seminar, which studies current works in intellectual history.
Triangle Medieval Studies Seminar – home page for the TMSS Seminar, which studies history, art history, religious studies, literature, music, women’s studies and more ca. 500–1500, focusing on Europe, Byzantium and the Islamic world along with other regions.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Home page for University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Wake Forest University – Home page for the WFU Department of Political Science, cosponsor of the Intellectual History Seminar.